Magento – Only items defined Email to a Friend (similar. Dropshipping)

We are currently looking for a solution:

It is an issue, which is actually under “Dropshipping” is. It can be paraphrased as follows:

There are items in our shop, from different suppliers / Manufacturers / Distributors will be sent. Let us call you Supplier A, B and C.

Article 1,2,3 are supplied by A, 4 of B and 5,6 of C.

If a customer in the shop now Article 1, go to an e-mail to Supplier A, contains the following:

“Customer X (with address) has articles 1 in set Y Z ordered with order. Please send.”

Now, a customer orders products 1,2,4 and 6, E-mails are sent to three:

eMail an A:
“Customer X (with address) has articles 1 in Y und emailing Article 2 in set Y Z ordered with order. Please send.”

eMail an B:
“Customer X (with address) has articles 4 in set Y Z ordered with order. Please send.”

eMail an C:
“Customer X (with address) has articles 6 in set Y Z ordered with order. Please send.”

So there is the challenge on the one hand, a mail rule to create, the case of certain categories or SKUs or other criteria for A,B,C sends an email and then the challenge to craft an email template, which ONLY contains the corresponding items to the respective suppliers.

Point 1 We already have the Extension Works Ahead “Follow Up eMail” solve, any more or less according to the criteria definable email templates to send user-defined email recipient.

So we have a rule for each supplier (A,B,C) created and defined there, that an e-mail sent to the respective recipients should be, If any of the specified SKUs were ordered (because it is only a few items, We have it so or similar categories and not on. made).

Nun hapert es aber am Template. How do we get a template or. Templates für A,B and C, which contains only the respective articles.

It would have to work this way for A:

Give items and quantities, if Model 1,2 or 3 is.

Does anyone have any idea?

The issue has also been HERE addressed at Magentocommerce. The existing drop shipping Extensions are not an option here.

Update vom 27.04.2012:

We solve the problem now much better than expected. For this purpose we use a drop shipping module. There are more HERE.

Published by Covos

Since 2009 I have been working intensively with Magento. I started with the creation and operation of B2C stores. This was extended through my work in the logistics sector. This resulted first specialized B2E systems. Today I work day-a day with exciting B2C, B2B- and B2E projects and reports in this blog about challenges and give insider tips.

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