Magento – Examples translate.csv

Here are some translations from translate.csv of Magento, which are so come with time together. A little tip about “translate”, Most programmers have a Magento Extensions en_US translation CSV shipped with the extension. This simply copy the en_US folder and then translate there. But now some German translations, with…

Magento – Location for Inline Translations

Very briefly, since the question was just: When are produced in the Magento-line translations, these core_translate stored directly in the database in the table. Here can then be adjusted (or probably (!) also deleted, to then translate the translate.csv)

Magento – “%s” translate into the translate.csv as e.g.. Coupon Code “%s” is not valid. Coupon code oder “%s” was applied.

There are some places in Magento, which is not so easy with the motto “Translation”,”Translation” or “Translation of %s”,”Translation of% s” translate.csv can translate into the. Occurs as a quotation in the text, it becomes more difficult, if you do not know, how it works. This occurred for example in the checkout area or. cart when…

Magento – Sort By ” Price ” , ” Position ” , ” Name ” translate. Translate.csv but not in the backend (Attribute)

General attributes are best translated directly in the backend. The individual attributes and sorting options, such default “Position”, “Name” and “Price” or “Price” set. It can also catalog > Attribute > Manage more attributes are added, where appropriate, for “Use the product listings (e.g.. Categories) a “Ja” get. Then with…

Magento – Create your own translations or translate.csv

Often, one or the other Überstzung Magento does not exist or it is translated differently, as one would imagine. This can usually be helped relatively easy. Should update their own safe-- Translations are created, must be in the folder / app / design / frontend /(base or default)/own sTemplate / locale / de_DE (for German translation) a file “translate.csv” be created. If the folders are missing, just…