Magento – Error Database Import

Today we had the import of a Magento database to a new database, the error message SQL command: — — Constraints der Tabelle 'catalog_eav_attribute’ — ALTER TABLE ‘catalog_eav_attribute’ ADD CONSTRAINT ‘FK_CATALOG_EAV_ATTRIBUTE_ID’ FOREIGN KEY ( ‘attribute_id’ ) REFERENCES ‘eav_attribute’ ( ‘attribute_id’ ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; MySQL MANDATORY: #1452 – Cannot add or update a child…

PHP MyAdmin – SQL command, Replace data in the database

It comes every now and again before, that a domain transfer, image_link a change or similar. in many places such as change in the transaction must email. This situation we had just, that the logo, which will be sent emails with the transaction was in another place and it is now over 20 had to be changed emails. Of course,…