Magento – Removal of the navigation pages in a category via XML

Who on in a special category page navigation (“See X per page”, “Sort by”, “View as”, “X Articles”) want to miss, this can really about the “remove” Command in your own design or. “Custom Layout Update” of each category with the command:   <remove name=”product_list_toolbar”/>   be done. This works but unfortunately not. The reason for that…

Magento – ” Shop by “, “Shop by ” or ” Browse by ” from left to right

Those who shop by (or as it is called) So would push the navigation aid on the left in the right navigation bar, can do this, by the agency in the catalog.xml <catalog_category_default translate=”label”> <label>Catalog Category (Non-Anchor)</label> <reference name=”left”> <block type=”catalog / navigation” name =”catalog.leftnav” after=”currency” template =”catalog/navigation/left.phtml”/> </reference> and there exchanged looks left to right. <catalog_category_default translate=”label”> <label>Catalog Category…

Magento – Contact bzw. Contact edit page

Those who may be on the otherwise barren contact page or would like to bring one or the other info, the file should be “form.phtml” im Ordner app / design / frontend /[default or base]/[default or base]/template/contacts. This file is best just to copy to your own template folder. There may be e.g.. A logo will be inserted above the left. e.g.. with a link to the…