Magento – HTML simple mouseover command for images

Is to change an image or image button, when the user moves the mouse over it, There are many ways. A very simple, which is quickly installed in a CMS, this. The following code to the right place in the CMS set: <div class =”Hier_Ihre_CSS_Klasse”><a href=”{{store url=”Ihre_Seite_Wenn_es_ein_Link_sein_soll.html”}}”><img onmouseover=”this.src='{{skin url=’images/media/banner1-over.jpg’}}’;” onmouseout’>”this.src=’{{skin url=’images/media/banner1.jpg’}}’” src=”{{skin url=’images/media/banner1.jpg’}}” alt =”Ihre_Beschreibung” /></a></div>”this.src='{{skin url=’images/media/banner1.jpg’}}’” src=”{{skin url=’images/media/banner1.jpg’}}” alt =”Ihre_Beschreibung” /></a></div> to enclose…

Magento – Facebook Likebox in Shop einbauen / Likebutton in article

If you would like to join his Facebook site with the store visually, can do this in a few easy steps. These include Facebook makes two small features are available, We want to introduce here. Die Facebook Fanbox: This may on the one hand, the current contributions in the so called. Stream will be displayed, to continue to provide images of the individual fans…