Magento – Admin password using SQL / Change Database

Today we wanted to change the password of the admin of our Magento store and used the following command, which e.g.. is entered in the phpMyAdmin SQL, after you select the database: UPDATE `admin_user` SET `password` = MD5(‘123456’) WHERE `username` = ‘admin’; “admin-user” here refers to the table in which the users are registered. this is…

Magento – plus. 0% VAT. – Problem after installation of Market Ready Germany 2

It happened suddenly, that the shop only plus. 0% VAT. was shown. This seems a problem with the extension Market Ready Germany 2 to be, although I would like to save the conjecture here and am relying solely on observations of other users. This contribution brought the solution: I have the Tax.php (app/code/community/Symmetrics/TweaksGerman/Block) of Symmetrics…