Magento – Some links in the navigation / URL in Nav bar

Who set in the navigation bar at his Magentoshop more links möchste, can do this either by categories, than the static blocks are set to do something or free, by the top.phtml file in the folder app / design / frontend /[base or default]/[IhrTemplate]/template/catalog/navigation angepasst wird. For this purpose the area <?php $_menu = $this->renderCategoriesMenuHtml(0,’level-top’) ?> <?php if($_menu): ?> <div class =”nav-container”> <ul id =”not”> <?php echo $_menu…

Magento – Link in translate.csv einbauen, Linking of translation

If you like a place, provided in the text itself only and is not a link, one wants to incorporate such, can do so quickly, by translate.csv in the appropriate (CSV or other competent translation) e.g.. The following shall be inserted:   “You will be redirected to Saferpay website when you place an order.”,”After sending the order…

Magento – own favicon / Image in the browser from the URL

Who his own little picture in front of the URL in the browser would have, must be called with the. Favicon deal. This small picture (usually 16x16px or 32x32px, Also new 64x64px) can be set in many places in Magento. It is important, that it is not enough, a JPG or similar. easy to change name. ico. Favicons have their own…