Magento – HTML simple mouseover command for images

Is to change an image or image button, when the user moves the mouse over it, There are many ways. A very simple, which is quickly installed in a CMS, this. The following code to the right place in the CMS set: <div class =”Hier_Ihre_CSS_Klasse”><a href=”{{store url=”Ihre_Seite_Wenn_es_ein_Link_sein_soll.html”}}”><img onmouseover=”this.src='{{skin url=’images/media/banner1-over.jpg’}}’;” onmouseout’>”this.src=’{{skin url=’images/media/banner1.jpg’}}’” src=”{{skin url=’images/media/banner1.jpg’}}” alt =”Ihre_Beschreibung” /></a></div>”this.src='{{skin url=’images/media/banner1.jpg’}}’” src=”{{skin url=’images/media/banner1.jpg’}}” alt =”Ihre_Beschreibung” /></a></div> to enclose…

Magento – HTML Tags / Code in the shop in the list view / Category / Short Description

Who has the problem, that the front end HTML tags for Description / Short Description will angzeigt, when changing from the grid view to list view, fix it, by the list.phtml a small change is made: The list.phtml file in the folder / app / design / frontend /[base or default]/IhrTemplate / template / catalog / product open after the spot <?php echo nl2br($this->htmlEscape($_product->getShortDescription())) ?> search…

Magento – PHP und free HTML Editor / Freeware

It is highly recommended, a decent editor to work in HTML, PHP, Using SQL and other files. The e.g.. Windows' own program to help just give, but fail very quickly. Our recommendation is the freeware software market that is free PSPad. This program is just about everything, what you need. Line numbering (must under View…