Magento – ” Recurring Profiles ” ( Recurring Profiles ) and ” Billing Agreements ” ( Conditions of Sale ) Remove from the account

Whom the “Recurring Profiles” or recurring events in his shop are too much, or. it need not (same is true for the “Billing Agreements”) may remove these, by the following steps are performed:

  1. The file recurring_profile.xml from the folder app / design / frontend /[base or default]/default/layout/sales in the folder app / design / frontend /[base or default]/IhrTemplate/layout/sales copy. (Since this change then just this template or. the shop with this template concerns). If the folder structure for the target folder already exists, Please create corresponding.
  2. ALL the content from just copied into the new folder recurring_profiles.xml save and delete.
  3. Magento cache, and reload the page. The link is now gone.

The same applies to the file billing_agreement.xml, which is in the same folder and also copy the new folder would be.

Used in

Addendum dated 28.03.2012: In Magento 1.6.2. billing agreements is the way “Zahlunsgfreigaben” (with this spelling mistake).

Published by Covos

Since 2009 I have been working intensively with Magento. I started with the creation and operation of B2C stores. This was extended through my work in the logistics sector. This resulted first specialized B2E systems. Today I work day-a day with exciting B2C, B2B- and B2E projects and reports in this blog about challenges and give insider tips.

3 comments on “Magento – ” Recurring Profiles ” ( Recurring Profiles ) and ” Billing Agreements ” ( Conditions of Sale ) Remove from the account”

  1. What are these exactly Recurring Profiles? What can you do with them and possible applications? Find this and nothing else.
    As well: What can you use the Billing Agreements?

  2. Hi, was on vacation, therefore, a little late reply:
    Honestly, I can not give precise and concrete answers, But it will try: Recurring Profiles is first of all with “Recurring Profiles” to translate. It is a rule, which occurs for example when subscriptions. Thus, in recurring intervals “Article” recalculated. But I can not say as I said specifically, Here's what it. The Recurring Profiles are still (Magento 1.5.) in the beta stage and it really seems to know no, so what exactly has to be. I'll keep this in mind, however, and would be glad, if anyone have any info would post this.
    Zum Thema Billing Agreements: These are the conditions of sale, probably in connection with the revision of the PayPal integration have emerged. By using the Market Ready Germany extension but this is not really necessary, Terms and conditions of withdrawal as this brings.

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