Magento – Facebook Likebox in Shop einbauen / Likebutton in article

If you would like to join his Facebook site with the store visually, can do this in a few easy steps. These include Facebook makes two small features are available, We want to introduce here. Die Facebook Fanbox: This may on the one hand, the current contributions in the so called. Stream will be displayed, to continue to provide images of the individual fans…

Magento – Checkout / Cart “Shipping (valued)” remove

If the box with the estimated shipping in the checkout area then removed in your basket, so should the cart.phtml file in the folder / app / design / frontend / default / default / template / checkout about. in line 122 be changed. The line <?php if (!$this->getIsVirtual()): echo $this->getChildHtml(‘shipping’); endif; ?> either delete or <!–<?php if (!$this->getIsVirtual()): echo $this->getChildHtml(‘shipping’); endif; ?>–> comment out. So ist man die Kiste

Magento – Static block installed in the header

Who in the header of Magentoshops would like to have some additional information or other things, this can be done relatively easily. Either by header.phtml file in the folder app / design / frontend /[base or default]/[IhrTemplate]/template / page / html rumgeschrieben is directly or also through the introduction of elements with a static block. For this purpose, the backend CMS > Static blocks…

Magento – Account “My Orders history” Exchange columns e.g.. Name change for company

In the case, should appear that the account is not the name of the addressee of an order in Order History, but e.g.. The shipping company addresses, This is relatively fast, if one knows, in which files must be sought. Here are the instructions: The file in the folder recent.phtml app / design / frontend /[base or default]/[IhrTemplate]/template / sales / order open. There are two entries, these changes…

Magento – Some links in the navigation / URL in Nav bar

Who set in the navigation bar at his Magentoshop more links möchste, can do this either by categories, than the static blocks are set to do something or free, by the top.phtml file in the folder app / design / frontend /[base or default]/[IhrTemplate]/template/catalog/navigation angepasst wird. For this purpose the area <?php $_menu = $this->renderCategoriesMenuHtml(0,’level-top’) ?> <?php if($_menu): ?> <div class =”nav-container”> <ul id =”not”> <?php echo $_menu…