Magento and the credit – what are the two lines at the subtotal?


It struck again, or that in the case of generation of credits. Correction documents in the column of the item subtotals appear two more lines, which usually make no real sense.

In the first line of the article appears(between)-worth. Depending on the setting gross or net.

The second line is usually a 0,00 – because here the discount value is given, the feather edge. was applied to this position. Also in this regard,, that this will not only displayed in the credit in the bill – rather pointless. In the extremely rare case, that even a discount will be applied only to products defined, it might make sense, really realistic but it is not. Using a coupon (e.g.. Shopping discount rule), the discount amount is always shown at the bottom in the sum block. M.E. this line is thus 99% the shops pointless.

The third line then actually shows “real” Subtotal of the article to. Either after discount or with or without control.

In our case, the first line is completely sufficient, otherwise the customer would be confused, if a different number in the column in front of it than in the column after (by quantity 1).

To get only the first row displayed, copied to the default.phtml from the folder app / design / frontend / base / default / template / sales / order / creditmemo / items / renderer in the appropriate folder of the theme used and then goes there all the way down.Picture Die Zeilen

<td class="a-right" data-rwd-label="<?php echo $this->__('Discount Amount') ?>"><?php echo $_order->formatPrice(-$_item->getDiscountAmount()) ?></td>
<td class="last a-right" data-rwd-label="<?php echo $this->__('Row Total') ?>">
<?php echo $_order->formatPrice($_item->getRowTotal() - $_item->getDiscountAmount() + $_item->getTaxAmount() + $_item->getWeeeTaxAppliedRowAmount()) ?>

give these two values. If you remove these two now complete, only obtained in the document is issued, the first line having the first value.

Used in Magento Version 1.9 Comments? Additions? Notes? Gladly!

Published by Covos

Since 2009 I have been working intensively with Magento. I started with the creation and operation of B2C stores. This was extended through my work in the logistics sector. This resulted first specialized B2E systems. Today I work day-a day with exciting B2C, B2B- and B2E projects and reports in this blog about challenges and give insider tips.

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