Magento – Static block / Static Block in Seite und phtml einbauen

If you would like to install additional static blocks in his front, can do this quickly by first of each static block is created. Here, the page identifier / code to be the one, will be called later. Then only the following line in the PHTML file in place install and off you go: <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock(&#8216;cms/block&#8217;)->setBlockId('EigenerSeitenbezeichner')->toHtml()…

Magento – Link in translate.csv einbauen, Linking of translation

If you like a place, provided in the text itself only and is not a link, one wants to incorporate such, can do so quickly, by translate.csv in the appropriate (CSV or other competent translation) e.g.. The following shall be inserted:   “You will be redirected to Saferpay website when you place an order.”,”After sending the order…