Magento – Immediately transfer info box from the left or the right to remove Navleiste


If one in his shop sofortueberweisung offered as a payment method, may be altered in more than one would. After installing the extension e.g.. of Magentocommerce appears one or another indication of the benefits of immediate referral.

That immediate transfer payment service is a good, is no question, otherwise they would have installed this extension so. Now, however, is for example in the navigation bar on a new box, lists the information on immediate transfer.

If you want to but does not have there, they can be quickly removed, if you are in the folder app / design / frontend / default / default / template / pnsofortueberweisung and there is the area

<div class =”based mini-box of mini-infobox”>
<div class =”head”>
<h4><?php echo $this->__('SFT'); ?></h4>
<div class =”happy”>
<a href=”” title=”Information to advance”><img src =”<?= $this->getSkinUrl() ?>images/pnsofortueberweisung/logo_sofortueberweisung170.jpg” alt =”Immediately transfer” title=”Immediately transfer”></a>
<ul style=”list-style-type:disc;”>
<li style=”margin-left:15px;”><?php echo $this->helper('Pnsofortueberweisung')->__(‘Fast shippiung’) ?></li>
<li style=”margin-left:15px;”><?php echo $this->helper('Pnsofortueberweisung')->__(‘Privacy’) ?></li>
<li style=”margin-left:15px;”><?php echo $this->helper('Pnsofortueberweisung')->__(‘No registration’) ?></li>
<li style=”margin-left:15px;”><?php echo $this->helper('Pnsofortueberweisung')->__(‘Save payment’) ?></li>
<div class =”actions”>
<a href=”….

distant. It should go well, by opening the pnsofortueberweisung.xml and there

<reference name=”right”>
<block type=”pnsofortueberweisung / infobox” name =”infobox” after=”cart_sidebar” template =”pnsofortueberweisung / infobox.phtml” />

removed or commented out.

Used in Magento versions 1.4-1.6. Ask, Proposals, Infos? Gladly!

Published by Covos

Since 2009 I have been working intensively with Magento. I started with the creation and operation of B2C stores. This was extended through my work in the logistics sector. This resulted first specialized B2E systems. Today I work day-a day with exciting B2C, B2B- and B2E projects and reports in this blog about challenges and give insider tips.

3 comments on “Magento – Immediately transfer info box from the left or the right to remove Navleiste”

  1. Sorry the folder structures, are listed here no longer agree. Before a Magentoshop I found a shop owner Sofortüberweisung well. Now, where do all the advertising on my site I'm about Sofortüberweisung off immediately. Paypal is still decent compared.

    It would be nice, this product to expand to the latest Magentoversion. Thank you!

  2. In the folder app / design / frontend / default / default / template / pnsofortueberweisung in the file infobox.phtml the block

    <a onclick="'__(&#8216;’) ?>?banner=banner_150x200′,"Could information ',’toolbar=no, location = no, directories=no, status = no, menubar = no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, width=1020, height=900′);return false;” href=”#” title=”Click here – Debit ¼ berweisung customer information”><img src="__(&#8216;’) ?>” alt =”Click here – Debit ¼ berweisung customer information” border=”0″ />

    <a href="__(&#8216;’) ?>”>__(‘More’) ?>

    Delete or comment out.

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