Magento – German Setup “plus. %s WST., plus. Shipping”

With the latest version (1.2.3) German setup of Magento comes a small problem for any shop owner, have a shop, indicating the prices in the frontend plus VAT and shipping. Behind the price is only Plus. %s WST., plus. Shipping price information comes from the price_info.phtml which is / German setup in the folder app / design / frontend / base / default / template to find. This changed…

Magento – Double designation of VAT in order eMail

Stupid, was in the order confirmation of our Magento shops (See. mit Market Ready Germany) in the order confirmation email the tax twice expelled. The total amount was true but it looked totally unprofessional. To turn this off quickly and comfortably, you go to System > Configuration > Control > Display in orders, Invoices, provides credits and…

Magento – plus. 0% VAT. – Problem after installation of Market Ready Germany 2

It happened suddenly, that the shop only plus. 0% VAT. was shown. This seems a problem with the extension Market Ready Germany 2 to be, although I would like to save the conjecture here and am relying solely on observations of other users. This contribution brought the solution: I have the Tax.php (app/code/community/Symmetrics/TweaksGerman/Block) of Symmetrics…