Magento – Payment method only in the backend admin but not update the frontend

PictureIf you frequently receive direct orders from the back end and as. Telephone credit card bookings will, the notice is, that it is difficult to one of the existing payment methods to. It would be nice, therefore, a payment method e.g.. “Payment by credit card telephone booking”, only to administrators but not the shop available to visitors.

There are many extensions and instructions, order to get this. The simplest and therefore also is shown below:

We use the “new” Payment method, the method brought by Magento “Purchase Order”. Deren Code lautet “purchaseorder”.

Now the

methods.phtml open the respective templates. E.g.. in the folder

app / design / frontend /[base or default]/[IhrTemplate]/template/checkout/onepage/payment

There, then add the following line

<?php if($_code==”purchaseorder”){ continue; } ?>

Here we meet again on the o.g. Code. Should there be a different payment method, Simply use the code from this (can e.g.. very easy to find out with Firebug).

This line is under

<?php foreach ($this->getMethods() as $_method): $_code = $_method->getCode() ?>

and before



Then maybe. Empty the cache and the new payment method appears on the back end.

Another tip:

The file purchaseorder.phtml

from the folder


and take the field

<div class =”input-box”>
<label for=”po_number”><?php echo Mage::helper(&#8216;payment&#8217;)->__(&#8216;Payment by phone&#8217;) ?> <span class=”required”>*</span></label><br />
<input type=”text” id=”po_number” name =”payment[po_number]” title=”<?php echo Mage::helper(&#8216;payment&#8217;)->__(“Payment by phone”) ?>” class =”required-entry input-text” value=”<?php echo $this->getInfoData(&#8216;po_number&#8217;) ?>”/>

comment out or delete. Thus, in the back then the input box to the order number is no longer needed and no longer displayed.

To conclude then completely customize the translations yet. So either the easy way out and go “Purchase Order” translate the way you want it or change the appropriate files, that there is no longer “Purchase Order” but e.g.. “Payment by phone” o.ä. is translated.

Used in Magento Version Comments? Additions? Notes? Gladly!

Published by Covos

Since 2009 I have been working intensively with Magento. I started with the creation and operation of B2C stores. This was extended through my work in the logistics sector. This resulted first specialized B2E systems. Today I work day-a day with exciting B2C, B2B- and B2E projects and reports in this blog about challenges and give insider tips.

2 comments on “Magento – Payment method only in the backend admin but not update the frontend”

  1. Good guide, Thank you!

    The real problem in implementing the ability to record telephone order is, that e.g.. Will not pay by credit card really supported in the backend. The provider, I know, support at least not. Because it's not enough, simply to add the credit card data – This one has answered very well as in front and can also enter verify.

    VG, Robert

    1. It depends but on the credit card processor. Known to us are two ways: On the one hand directly in the back office of the customer accounts at the KK handler. Reservations can be made there and on the other hand, there are some providers a small software, can be made directly from the desktop with the booking of the.

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