Hello? Paul Edwards calling… – Telephone terror with changing numbers

For weeks we have been from almost every day by phone and in English “Paul Edwards” annoyed. He supposedly wants to sell stocks.

At first you tried to talk to him normally and to communicate, that one is not interested. But that didn't help and so he called again and again. Also a clear one “We are NOT interested”, didn't stop him from continuing to call.

“What is there a blacklist for??” we thought and blocked the number in the telephone system. But it was his turn again the next day – with a different number. Nationality probably doesn't matter, because not only the numbers but even the country codes changed. Protection against the calls is therefore not really possible.

He was just using the number +420517577535 but also sometimes +35952449807 or +4578774319 – and these are just the numbers, that we wrote down.

With every call you can hear clear call center noises in the background and comparatively poorly in the foreground. He always reports immediately “Hello [name of contact person]”.

Can this really be aimed at selling a stock, or is it more conscious Telephone terror?

Has anyone else experience with calls from “Paul Edwards”?

Published by Covos

Since 2009 I have been working intensively with Magento. I started with the creation and operation of B2C stores. This was extended through my work in the logistics sector. This resulted first specialized B2E systems. Today I work day-a day with exciting B2C, B2B- and B2E projects and reports in this blog about challenges and give insider tips.

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