Magento 1.8. – Shopping Cart Quantity is not updated

One problem with Magento 1.8 in the standard seems to be, that

  1. the number of items is not changed successfully, if you e.g.. in an amount 2 enters, and then click “Update Cart” click. The page is reloaded while but then stands back as the old lot. A change in the quantity of items in your shopping cart is not therefore possible-except for deletion of the article.
  2. Furthermore, there is probably the problem, that customers could not log in with their account.

These two problems are related and can be solved as follows.

The file

cart.phtml in the directory app / design / frontend /[base or default]/[IhrTemplate]/template/checkout

Open and after

<form action="<?php echo $this->getUrl('checkout/cart/updatePost') ?>" method="post">

as. in line 50 search. After this line then add the following line directly:

<?php echo $this->getBlockHtml('formkey'); ?>

Then, the problems should be solved.

Used in Magento Version Comments? Additions? Notes? Gladly!

Published by Covos

Since 2009 I have been working intensively with Magento. I started with the creation and operation of B2C stores. This was extended through my work in the logistics sector. This resulted first specialized B2E systems. Today I work day-a day with exciting B2C, B2B- and B2E projects and reports in this blog about challenges and give insider tips.

17 comments on “Magento 1.8. – Shopping Cart Quantity is not updated”

  1. Hello I have the same problem and I followed your instructions. Since I am not a programmer, I've done exactly what you wrote, However, I get an error message in the form of the source text is displayed above the basket item. Have di please correct syntax for the entry, I have something in <? php sat or ???

    For your help I am now grateful to you!! 🙂

      1. Hi, have included it as, but unfortunately get an error: see here – because you can indeed something put in the shopping cart and then update…

        <form action="getUrl(‘checkout/cart/updatePost’) ?>” method=”post”>
        {{block type=”core/template” template =”sample/home.phtml”}}

  2. Hi works for me the add of getBlockHtml(‘formkey’); ?> unfortunately not. I have changed it in base template and.

    1. Can the product page no items in the shopping cart button “to shopping basket” So not responding.

    2. Articles which I have put outwit page Add to basket, can not be edited, as said button on the product page does not work

    Dachte an Ajax Problem, but error.log shows no error.

    Does anyone have any idea?


    1. So from the not distant. But that sounds like a lot more, than those described above. What you could do times:

      1. Try it with the default theme, if there is the same problems (probably not). So you can then make sure, that it really is well on its own Theme.
      2. In the configuration enable the path hints and look, which respective sides of the own themes are responsible on the faulty pages.
      3. Then try it, To disable these files (rename temporarily). If it is not a unique file, this function should be caught by the default or base theme. Klappt es dann, then it is clearly at or. IN the disabled file.

      This is an-admittedly- slightly amateur approach, but can help.

      Good luck with your search!

  3. erster Treffer in Google bzgl. der Warenkorbaktualisierung.
    Diese funktioniert dank Deiner Zeile – Thank you.
    Was jedoch leider weiterhin nicht funktioniert (und ich jetzt schon Hoffnung hatte es gelöst zu bekommen) ist der Login im Checkout… ;(
    Ich muss jedoch gestehen, dass ich Die 1.8.1 habe und daher wohl nun weiter suchen muss – oder hast Du einen Tipp?
    Danke aber auf jeden Fall nochmal bzgl. der Warenkorbaktualisierung… 😉



  4. Hai,

    vielen Dank erstmal, klappt jetzt wunderbar. Die Sache mit
    getBlockHtml('formkey'); ?>
    lief mir schon einmal bei der Registrierung als neuer Kunde über den Weg.
    Ich habe gerade ein Template am Wickel, dass nur bis Magento 1.7 freigegeben worden ist. Mal sehen. Ich werde wohl alle Formulare überprüfen müssen;-)

    Schönen Tag noch


  5. Hallo,

    ich habe jetzt unzählige Male alles was ich im INet gefunden habe ausprobiert, alle Themes (unchanged) probiert doch grundsätzlich kann ich den Warenkorb ALS GAST nach den Änderungen annulieren, doch weiterhin ist die Mengeder Artikel nicht veränderbar- Fehlermedlung immer “Warenkorb kann nicht aktualisiert werden.” Benutzt wird von uns die Version

    Ich verbringe nun schon 3 Tage mit der Suche des Fehlers, habe aber auch nicht wirklich gute Programmierkenntnisse. Fürden Aufbau hat es bisher gereicht, es sind “nur noch” Kleinigkeiten bis wir an den Start gehen können.

    Vielleicht hast Du eine Idee?

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