Magento – Extension was supposed to – does not / Basic vs.. default Problematik

A neue Extension about Magento Connect or by Copy via FTP installed and despite this cache flushing will Frontend not appear or is not activated?

This MAY be because, that normal extensions in both app as well as in skin Folders only in the default package (Templateordner) but not for Individual Templates installed. So if you have a template, which is not in default folder, but e.g.. base or in the folder is on the same level as base and default, the relevant data must be manually copied to this custom template folder. You may need to be adapted urls in the code.

This is important since version 1.4 was this distinction between base and fitted default. Base appears to be related (and there are to date no definitive known to me-- Answer) the “Root” Folders to be. And also it does default to. D.h. Magento, the system operates at many points along the lines of, if I get any special information, I take the general. So no special Defintionen in a template file, be e.g.. The default template taken from the. Are there any (See above seems) the definition in the base folder to be taken.

By default, extensions are now (more) copied to the default folder. That is, dass Shops, with a base (Package) Template does not work on this extension can access. Thus, all extension files, which are in the default folder (usually …/default/default im Ordner app und skin) in the base / default or copied directly into base / IhrTemplate at the appropriate location.

This works often but not always, unfortunately,. Here it is-as shown above- also be, URLs that still must be adapted in the files.

Used u.a. in Version

Published by Covos

Since 2009 I have been working intensively with Magento. I started with the creation and operation of B2C stores. This was extended through my work in the logistics sector. This resulted first specialized B2E systems. Today I work day-a day with exciting B2C, B2B- and B2E projects and reports in this blog about challenges and give insider tips.

2 comments on “Magento – Extension was supposed to – does not / Basic vs.. default Problematik”

  1. So I have a purchased template – No one bought my extensions worked for this reason. Unfortunately, none of the extension also provides a description for vendors “base” basierte Templates…Magento….

    1. I have in more recent extensions from time to time it had a, either been installed or only in base. This will probably be set as the default in future, seit by Magento 1.5. is a lot of emphasis placed on the base configurations.

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