Magento – M2E Pro Billing Address is not available. Billing address only thing missing name

Update vom 21.03.2014

The time is fast paced ahead and so the M2E Pro versions. Meanwhile, we are already on version 6 and the code has changed a bit, but the result is the same. The message has changed only a little:


The Amazon does not supply the complete billing buyer information.

(“The Amazon” – The Sponsor? 🙂 )

The problem is still of the same file as ug. from. However, there are a few more lines become namely ca. 67 bus 147 (everything between the // #### )

        if ($this->order->getShippingAddress()->hasSameBuyerAndRecipient()) {

            return parent::getBillingAddressData();


        $customerNameParts = $this->getNameParts($this->order->getBuyerName());

        return array(

            'firstname'  => $customerNameParts['firstname'],

            'lastname'   => $customerNameParts['lastname'],

            'country_id' => '',

            'region'     => '',

            'region_id'  => '',

            'city'       => 'The Amazon does not supply the complete billing buyer information.',

            'postcode'   => '',

            'street'     => array(),

            'company'    => ''



    public function shouldIgnoreBillingAddressValidation()


        if ($this->order->getAmazonAccount()->isMagentoOrdersBillingAddressSameAsShipping()) {

            return false;


        if ($this->order->getShippingAddress()->hasSameBuyerAndRecipient()) {

            return false;


        return true;


    // ########################################

This can be commented out or removed.

Update vom 17.07.2013

Es klappt who o.g. I have now tested: Simply use the old file or. delete the new rows and the shipping address is again used as the billing address.

Original Article

Since the newer versions (from M2E Pro 5.2.1) This wonderful free Magento interface between, Amazon, eBay and other striking, that when Billing Address (Billing Address) of Amazon orders only the name and a

Billing Address is not available.

is to be read. Since it was before the address….? On request from the developer, mutatis mutandis, was answered as follows:

“Currently there are no billing address, because Amazon does not transmit billing address details in the API interface.
In versions prior to M2E Pro 5.2.1 was simply the shipping address as the billing address (copied). Here there were complaints from Nutzeren, Therefore, we have modified this.
If today the billing- a N / A is under scheided of the delivery address given.”

So What is this “Billing Address is not available.” Issued notice? In Folder


is the file Proxy.php


If the two file versions < 5.2.1 and >= 5.2.1 look, one sees, that in the new version a few lines have been added.

Namely, the line 35-60

    public function getBillingAddressData()
        $rawAddressData = $this->order->getShippingAddress()->getRawData();

        $customerNameParts = $this->getNameParts($rawAddressData['buyer_name']);

        return array(
            'firstname'  => $customerNameParts['firstname'],
            'lastname'   => $customerNameParts['lastname'],
            'country_id' => '',
            'region'     => '',
            'region_id'  => '',
            'city'       => 'Billing Address is not available.',
            'postcode'   => '',
            'street'     => array(),
            'company'    => ''

    public function shouldIgnoreBillingAddressValidation()
        return true;

    // ########################################

If you want to make it easy now, you can either customize the layout of the invoice, so that the shipping address is displayed instead of the billing address or “Billing Address is not available” by its own spell as “(s. Shipping Address)” replace. (This will not work retroactively. Invoices, created, Remember the old saying, and only new change.)

Probably the most beautiful solution, to restore the status ante, to use the old version of Proxy.php or simply delete the relevant lines (I have not tested it!).

Used in Magento versions bus Ask, Comments, Suggestions? Gladly!

Published by Covos

Since 2009 I have been working intensively with Magento. I started with the creation and operation of B2C stores. This was extended through my work in the logistics sector. This resulted first specialized B2E systems. Today I work day-a day with exciting B2C, B2B- and B2E projects and reports in this blog about challenges and give insider tips.

2 comments on “Magento – M2E Pro Billing Address is not available. Billing address only thing missing name”

  1. I stumbled recently also about the problem, but have not had time, to concern myself with it. Then I weiiß now at least, where I have to look.

    Thank Besten!

  2. Wichtiger Hinweis zu dem Artikel ist, dass M2e den Realtime API Benutzt um die Bestellungen zu bekommen und hier ist das Problem, dass hier die Billing Address fehlt.

    Bei einigen Kunden passt diese mit der Lieferadresse aber überein.
    Was man machen muss ist sich den Report “_GET_FLAT_FILE_ORDERS_DATA_” holen und auswerten.
    M2e ist wohl aber an dem “Problem” dran, wann es gelöst wird, konnten Sie leider nicht sagen.

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