Magento “German Store” Version Andreas von Studnitz, Christian Philipp, integer_net GmbH

PictureAfter we had an article about the MUSS Extensions written at a Magento installation and had Andreas von Studnitz kindly comment with a reference to the recently published German Store Version the integer_net GmbH posted, Could I then did not expect to see, what the experts had so devised. Thus, a new system was immediately mounted and installed.

Here this the first impressions Magento Systems, which specifically to the reasons relating to the German e-commerce law was adapted, so many changes after installation account.

  1. At the first opening of the installation process, the icon is above the reference “Magento” on.
  2. Of course we accept the conditions (hopefully there is nothing wrong in it 🙂 )
  3. Nice, that direct the correct locales are selected, so the search can be annoying for the correct time zone, etc..
  4. Now quickly select the correct database and more…
  5. After entering the Admin data, comes something new: A friendly message, that it was now. It is striking to now, that the whole process is in German.
  6. The first step is to Frontend:
  7. It is noticeable, e.g. the. Annoying we Blocks “Back to school” no longer there. The customer survey is missing. Furthermore, in the header section is all in German and partly in the footer. About us etc. still needs to be translated, since this is a standard footer (footer_links_backup) These, be adjusted in the range Static blocks must.
  8. PictureOtherwise fall on when registering for an account, that there is now a “Remember Me” Check mark indicates, which in the standard is not present 1.7er.Picture Here you can also access their basket, if you do not explicitly logs.
  9. And now it's off to Backend and since we can expect something completely new:Picture
  10. All information relevant to store data, wie Shop Name, Firm, Address, Bank, VAT number etc. be here once recorded centrally. There is a decent chunk, which are then detected but not later must. The bottom half has the possibility to contribute to the improvement of the U.S. version of Magento and continue to bonus actions and developments of NR App Factory participate (since we are using here is just a local test environment, we have not done, if the system was to go live but, make sure that we, because this version is created only and exclusively by the demands and suggestions from the Magento community and yet only those can be further improved.)

After entering the data you get into the more or less familiar backend environment. New is the rider “Magento” with some sub-items. PictureThere are on the one hand information on Magento Extension themselves, their partners, Recommendations and News. It is important here, all included “Not standard” Extensions and from here you can configure (or. A link is available in the configuration). Thus, we see then FireGento German Setup, einzudeutschen the shop, FireGento PDF, at “better” To generate invoices, Autoshipping, Base Price (an extension, which is mandatory for all dealers, specify the cost per unit e.g.. 2,49€ pro 100 Gram). Further, the Cash on delivery and Debit Module and something very fine: The possibility of comfortably Menu items from the account as Recurring Profiles, Payment approvals / Order conditions etc.. hide by clicking. That was before a lot more effort.

As far as first impressions. If notice more things, I'll post it here.

For now, in conclusion it can be said, that the work of NR with all related apps developers makes a solid first impression.

Addendum dated 18.07.2013

Now that we have the Magento Some have run-time version, We want to provide a brief résumé or rather an interim report:

Actually there is nothing new to say, what is good in this case. We are no problems with the first version of the German version of Magento noticed. If everything goes smooth and round.

What is new is, that we have just set up two new stores and for this the brand new version of the Magento OF Shops “Magento store for Germany” have used, to see if there is any news and changes.

Again, the installation was very easy: Create DB, Magento files on server, Installation start, DB store data and (more or less) finished. As already described above, there is deviation from the normal Magento installation routine on first login a form in which one writes all data to the shop relvanten, so dass dann Impressum etc.. are as good as finished. So still all very comfortable.

trustedNew is an official cooperation / Partnership with Trusted Shops, which is also very clearly displayed directly in the Dashboard.

I personally can or me with Trusted Shops. not befriend their customers Politics. Trusted partner was already Market Ready Germany and I was pleased, it with Magento German Shop Extension gave the opportunity to those files from Trusted to waive, if you did not want to use. This I feel, therefore, as a step backwards. All other Extensions (o.g.) all have their raison d'être for a standard B2C shop in Germany, at Trusted however, each store owner should decide for, whether these, another or no “Seal supplier” want to use. I wonder definitely, whether and how this will clear box in the dashboard go.

Another partner of Magento stores DE is the payment provider “ogone“. Unlike a Trusted Extension is here but fortunately not the same installed. Here is well informed about the possibilities and let each shop owner, if this is something for him or not. Clear advantage!

Something, what is noticed, that the (former) The way in the back-visible new- “DE” Points of hide-like Andreas Studnitz has mentioned it in the comments on this post- does not. The point, the now “IntegerNet_GermanStoreConfig” seems to be called, displays the complete navigation bar in the back and not just the Magento DE tab. Is this a single problem?

The big news there is still: There is now also country-specific versions for Magento Austria and Switzerland. These are adapted to the legal situation in these countries and enable the local shop owners like comfort as the German.

Finally So I would like to state, that the Magento Version DE of Netresearch and integer_net Despite the criticism point “Trusted Shops” is highly recommended. There is a lot of competent work in this specially adapted Magento version for the German market, which makes it very easy to shop operators, Magento Store a standard set.

Published by Covos

Since 2009 I have been working intensively with Magento. I started with the creation and operation of B2C stores. This was extended through my work in the logistics sector. This resulted first specialized B2E systems. Today I work day-a day with exciting B2C, B2B- and B2E projects and reports in this blog about challenges and give insider tips.

18 comments on “Magento “German Store” Version Andreas von Studnitz, Christian Philipp, integer_net GmbH”

  1. Thanks for the detailed and positive review!
    A small addition or: , The logo and the additional menu items can also disable, Under System -> Configuration -> Admin -> German Store configuration for Magento CE.
    Das Feature “Remember Me” Incidentally, there are actually in default Magento, However, it must be explicitly enabled.

    1. Thank you for this info (I did not want to be rude and mention the Ausblendmöglichkeit, because ultimately a lot of work in the version put, and the creator should be appreciated 🙂 ). That the “Remember” but I was new.
      One question I have yet (I counted on it nich, I was probably too excited 😉 ): Enter the prompt during the installation of Magento one encryption key for the database connection, I have not seen and I can not remember, that then (for automatic generation) one was shown. Did I miss the?

      1. The Enngabe of encryption keys we have actually removed, because we consider it to most of the smaller stores as unnecessary. Who needs him, can still retrieve it from the app / etc / or local.xml. change it there.

  2. Hallo,
    thanks for the info, I have a question but do not know yet whether it hinpasst here ...
    How can I make the link “Payment approvals” disable the user account?
    However, I use Magento
    Thanks for your help

  3. Ich fand das “Angemeldet BLEIBEN” irgenwie es ist aber wirklich klasse aus meinem Shop verschwunden wieder und ich bin sicher, dass es drin war (Magento
    Vermutlich habe ich irgenwo Irgendwas geändert jedenfalls und jetzt ist es weg wenn ich auf das LOGIN Anmelden oder klicke.

    In der Konfiguration – System – Customer – Gerät ist alles übergreifender Warenkorb not enabled.

    Vielleicht habe ich etwas anderes versenhentlich umgestellt und jetzt ist es weg.

    Hat jemand einen Tip für mich, wäre echt super.

  4. Ups! Template im Backend ändern? Was muss ich machen from wo? Sorry, wo kann man das im Backend Template ändern?

    1. If it is a standard template, > go under System Configuration> design and there with package “default” and Themes “default” Enter in all fields. Top right in the store view (top left) is affected, while the hooks at “Use website” remove. It is then possible only when the hook “Use website” are set and after storing everything is back to normal.

  5. So therefore I package name back on the “Default” had changed, Remember again that was visible. I installed a template from Nova Works, in which certain no stay logged in there was also. I think, I have followed the setup installs FireGento German, and then it was gone, I guess, but I'm not really sure.
    How do I get the “Stay logged in” Line back inside?
    In scripts rumfummelnd I can and I get along well with CSS.

    Would be really nice, if I could get help.

    1. I would probably try it with the path display in the frontend. So under System > Configuration > Options allow developers the paths show. Then you can see the front end where the difference in the user registration between the default theme and your theme is Nova Works and then you can find the appropriate line quickly.
      Good luck!

  6. Hallo!

    Ich habe mit Magento Probleme mit der Preisberechnung:
    Die Steuern werden nicht richtig berechnet bzw. displayed. Seit Tagen spiele ich jetzt an den Einstellungen rum und ich komme nicht dahinter was da nicht passt. Es ist echt schwer durchzublicken was da alles gerechnet wird. Was mich am allermeisten Stört sind die Steuern für Versand und Bearbeitung. Wozu muss das denn extra berechnet werden. Es ist nur verwirrend, und weil nicht da steht wieviel Steuer berechnet wird ist es auch Rechtlich fragwürdig. Wie löst Ihr diese Probleme mit den Rechnungen?

    FireGento_Pdf hab ich schon installiert und die anderen Extensions die ich gefunden habe (auch teure) gehen nur auf das Rechnungslayout ein. Also Logo hier und da – Footer dort oder hier … ist doch alles Quatsch finde ich. Important but this is the bill is legally sound.

    Thank you

  7. ich habe von 1.9. auf die gleichnamige DE-Version gewechselt, und war verwundert dass die callout-bilder verschwunden sind, das ist aber wohl schon länger so. Ich hatte mir die angepasst und finde nun “nervig”, dass die bilder ich weiß nicht wie wieder angezeigt werden?

    1. Also entweder werden diese über callouts direkt gefüllt: app/design/frontend/base/default/template/callouts und dort left_col.phtml und right_col.phtml. Aktiviert werden diese beiden z.B. über die catalog.xml

  8. Hi,

    I have the problem, that no PDF files are appended to the bill in Magento DE.
    Invoice via HTML but shipped without PDF file.

    Activated is all that is possible under PDF printouts.

    Did I forgot something.

    Would be great if someone here have an idea.

    Thank you in advance.


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